14 September 2022


The nationwide search to find the 'two' who are really 'one'.

Identical twins share a unique and inextricable connection, all the way from their indistinguishable looks to the mutual experiences of growing up together. The brand-new special event series, Australia's Most Identical, asks the question: how deep does this connection go?

Hosted by Scott Cam and Dr Jana Pittman, both parents of twins, this social investigation series will find and ultimately determine the nation's most identical siblings. Through a fascinating series of scientific and entertaining challenges, 100 sets of twins will be put under the microscope until only one pair is crowned Australia's Most Identical.

Examining the age-old and universal question of nature vs nurture, the findings of the experiment will astound, shock, and entertain audiences in equal measure. What is it that makes Australia's most identical twins? Is this contest predetermined by biology? Or is it the shared experiences of our twins' that ultimately shape their connection?

A unique two-part entertainment event full of advanced experiments revealing extraordinary insights into personal behaviour, Australia's Most Identical sets out on a nationwide search to find the 'two' who are inherently 'one'.

The show will feature Australia's leading “Twin Experts” Professor Sarah Wilson and Professor Jeff Craig who will supervise and assess the results, in consultation with Twin Research Australia which is based at the University of Melbourne. Delving into the unique and fascinating world of twins, Australia's Most Identical will offer the most compelling and entertaining exploration of what it means to share your identity with someone else.

Australia's Most Identical is produced by HELIUM for the 9Network, from a Mentorn Media format distributed by Passion Distribution.